Relaxing Evening with Bolsius*

For the first weekend in what feels like months, I am staying in. No alcohol, no meals out, just an entire two days spent in the flat eating salads and only venturing out if it's for an intense gym session. Trust me, it's been difficult. It's now Saturday night and I've already fought off the urge to order pizza and turned down an invitation to go out for drinks, that's pretty good work for a girl with a serious case of FOMO. But it feels good. It feels good not waking up with a serious case of dry mouth and a killer hangover. It feels good saving money and it feels good not having to worry about the excessive calories I'd normally be consuming.

But being on a strict diet and saving money doesn't mean I can't have a relaxing night in "treating" myself. I've got a film on, some carrot sticks and houmous and the candles lit. Though I normally go for a Yankee Jar Candle, they're a little bit pricey when you're on a budget, instead I've got some of the Bolsius Aromatic Wax Melts melting away and I'm really impressed with them. I've never used wax melts or a burner before and have always been skeptical about just how much scent they really give off but thee have got a serious kick to them. I was lucky enough to be sent two different fruity scents, exotic mango (definitely my favourite) and wild cranberry as well as the burner. The great thing about wax melts as opposed to candles is the ability to really mix scents together to create something totally new so though they may not have a wide a selection of scents as other brands, you can make your own.

The scent given off by these is incredible, they absolutely fill the flat with an exotic fruity smell that isn't just noticeable when you leave the room and come back in, it's always there. For me, candles are a huge part of having a relaxing evening in by myself or a long soak in the tub so these are a great alternative if you want to try something different. All I need now is a huge tub of ice cream and a cocktail in my hand.

* This post features free PR samples however all opinions are my own. I only accept and write about products that I genuinely enjoy and think work on the blog. I am always 100% honest.

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