Double Chocolate Valentine's Cupcakes

If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that my love of chocolate will never die. Particularly my love of chocolate cakes. And as Valentine's Day is a time for celebrating with the cakes people you love, I thought I'd have a go at baking my own indulgent treat.

These are definitely for the avid chocolate fan, incorporating a rich dark chocolately sponge and creamy milk chocolate buttercream, topped off with some adorable sprinkles from Cake Craft World. The recipe for this is a bit of an improvisation based on reading dozens of different chocolate cake recipes from across the internet and me thinking I'm Mary Berry making my own adjustments. Huge shout out to What Jessica Baked Next and Sallys Baking Addiction for their incredible recipes, seriously if you want actual good bakers to follow, definitely follow these two. I will add that I had a massive mishap with my oven. First I put the cupcakes in for 20 minutes before I realised that I hadn't even turned the oven on (DOH), then I opened the oven too soon so they sank a little in the middle and then I left them for too long so they went a little hard on the top. They were however wonderfully moist in the middle and it's what's on the inside that counts right?  So, clearly, I am not an expert baker but there's really no harm in experimenting.

For the cupcakes you will need:

120g self raising flower
220g soft brown sugar
40g cocoa powder
150g dark chocolate (I used Choceur from Aldi with 45% cocoa solids)
1/2tsp baking powder
120g softened unsalted butter
2 large eggs
1tsp vanilla extract
1/4cup boiling water 

1. Pre-heat the oven to 180C and line a cupcake tin with 12 cases. 
2. Mix together your dry ingredients, so the flour, cocoa powder and baking soda. 
3. In a separate bowl cream together the sugar and butter until fully combined.
4. Crack in the two eggs and mix fully. Then add your vanilla extract. 
5. In a bowl over a pan of boiling water (or in a microwave if checked and stirred regularly to avoid burning), melt the chocolate.
6. Once totally melted, stir this into your butter, egg and sugar mixture. 
7. Slowly sieve in your flower mixture and fold until totally combined. 
8. Finally, add the boiling water. This just helps to loosen it a bit as the mixture is quite thick. 
9. Divide equally into the 12 cases and place in the center of the pre heated oven for 20 minutes. Do keep an eye on them, I would recommend checking around the 15 minute mark. 
10. The cakes are cooked when a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean. Leave to cool completely before decorating.

For the chocolate buttercream you will need:

300g icing sugar
250g softened unsalted butter
150g milk chocolate
30g cocoa powder
1-2tbsp milk to loosen
1tsp vanilla extract

1. In a bowl carefully combine the cocoa powder and icing sugar.
2. Once combined, add your butter and cream the two together.
3. In a bowl over a pan of boiling water, melt your milk chocolate. Again, you can use the microwave but pay close attention to it.
4. Slowly fold the melted chocolate into your buttercream adding the vanilla extract.
5. If the buttercream is a bit thick or dry, add a little milk to loosen. I used about one and a half tablespoons of milk. (If you overdo this just add a little more icing sugar).
6. Decorate however you like! I used a star nozzle and two different types of heart shaped sprinkles.

What treats will you be indulging in this Valentine's?


  1. THese cupcakes look so good!!! Thanks for sharing

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

  2. These look so yummy and cute!xx

    Lauren |

  3. wow these look so good. I love chocolate cake and these are so tempting!
