Latest Beauty Favourites

It's been a while since I've shared a few of the products I've been loving recently, in fact, I can't even remember if I ever had done a monthly favourites post. So here you go! I've been making it my mission recently to not only try some new bits and pieces but to also start looking into my stash and using things that have been a little bit unloved for a while. You'd be surprised at just how much neglected makeup I have, especially things like bronzer, blush and eyeshadow that take a lot longer to use up compared to foundations and mascaras.

The Balm Meet Matte Trimony is my favourite matte palette, thought you do only get nine shadows for a bit of a hefty price tag, these shadows are out of this world. Velvety smooth, easy to blend and triple milled with incredible pigmentation. The formula is also pretty consistent across the palette with not one dud shade. You can also create a few different looks by mixing and matching the colours. My favourite shades are Matt Lopez for a warm transitional shade and Matt Kumar for  a berry crease colour. And Matt Ahmed is my go to shade for setting liner on my waterline. 

On the face I've been really enjoying adding a glow to my base by applying Nars Copacabana illuminator all over my face before using my foundation. It's a little scary at first but it gives you a really natural looking glow from within. You can also use this over foundation by dabbing it along the cheekbones. Another Nars product I've been loving is the Steven Klein One Shocking Moment palette (as you can probably tell from the state of that Laguna bronzer). In particular I've been really enjoying the contour shade Paloma for a realistic looking shadow under the cheekbones. (In depth post here) it's a nice neutral shade (anything too cool looks way too muddy on me) and matte so it works perfectly for contour. I've also cracked out the Anastasia Beverly Hills Highlighter in So Hollywood again (post here) a super intense gold highlight that keeps that summer glow going all through winter. 

I've been using a totally new product on my brows recently and I'm head over heels for it. The NYX Tame and Frame Brow Pomade is very similar to the Anastasia version but having used both I can honestly say I prefer the NYX dupe. Though the Anastasia one was great and lasted me for a good couple of years, it did dry out very quickly and became difficult to work with. I haven't had any problems with the NYX one doing this yet, all I will say is it requires a steady light hand as its very easy to go overboard with this, taking you from natural to sharpie brows in seconds. And an oldie but a goodie is the Soap & Glory Supercat Liner, the nib makes this really easy to use, the colour is super black and I've never had any issues with it drying up. Generally I just use this to hide any glue from lashes or just to make an eye look that little bit bolder. 

What are your current beauty favourites?


  1. That ABH highlighter looks incredible! I've heard so many things about Nars Copacabana and I'm dying to try it out!
    xx Dany | The Queens Empire

  2. That NARS illuminator is so pretty, not to mention the ABHs one!
    Charlotte //

  3. That nars illuminator and nyx brow pomade look interesting. x

  4. I have a few of these products as well, I love the NARS illuminator and the NYX Tame & Frame, I'm glad you like them as well!

    Tia | The 10am Blog

  5. I really want theBalm palette - I hear so many good things about it! X

    ♡ itsjessiejane ♡

  6. The Balm Palette looks so pretty, I love matte eyeshadows.

    EmmysBeautyCave | Blog Header Designs | Instagram

  7. That lipstick shade looks gorgeous, love the pictures in this post!

    Lauren x

  8. I love the shades in the Nars palette. I really need to check out the NARS illuminator it sounds like something I would love. I prefer the NYX tame and frame to the ABH one too xx

    LPage Beauty

  9. I have two of The Balm matte palettes that I bought off hautelook and love them! I wish I ended up buying the Nars I went back and forth forever about it and then eventually decided against it.

  10. I'm determined to try out the NARS illuminator this year! It looks like such a stunning shade and it always has great reviews :) Lovely post x

    Mae ♥
