September Baking

I don't know whether it's the latest series of Great British Bake Off or a general craving for sweet food recently but something has me in the mood to bake. So much so that on a recent trip to Asda for cans of Coca-Cola, I ended up leaving with fifty pounds worth of baking equipment. (Woops!) The George Home section at Asda currently has a beautiful selection of baking goods in an array of pretty pastel shades, from pretty pink mixing bowls to adorable ceramic measuring cups decorated with little cakes. It's a good job I have some self restraint or I really could have ended up spending hundreds. I also found myself picking up Mary Berry's Baking Bible, mainly because that woman is just an absolute queen and I wish she would adopt me but also because it's a really wonderful baking book. There's a great selection of recipes across bread, cupcakes, tray bakes, pastry, etc etc. There really is a little something for everyone and I also like how she included the basics which can then be really easily spruced up and changed about.

So in honour of this baking haul I thought it would be a great idea to test it all out by baking some Terry's Chocolate Orange cupcakes. Chocolate and orange has to be one of my absolute favourite flavour combinations and there's something about it that just seems perfect for this time of year. To create these cupcakes I modified one of the Mary Berry cupcake recipes, combining it with parts of this recipe on What Jessica Baked Next. These cakes are packed with orange zest and chocolate chips and the buttercream icing tastes absolutely divine.

Reusable silicone cupcake cases are from Amazon. They come in all shapes sizes and colours but these pastel shades were too cute to pass up.

Left them in the oven slightly too long, woops!

I don't think I did a horrendous job for my first time piping! Granted they look a it sloppy but I can guarantee they taste delicious! 


  1. oh my, these look incredible! I am a total Mary Berry fangirl haha. Bake Off has got me in the mood for baking too and these are a step up from my usual flapjack- I'll definitely be giving these a go!

    Eliza xx ;

    1. You definitely should give them a go, super easy and could definitely be easily altered for any type of chocolate/sweets! I want to try Malteasters next mmmm haha x


  2. Yiiiiiikes these look super indulging but gorgeous! xxx

    Hannah x hannatalks

    1. They're incredibly rich, definitely couldn't eat more than one but my god were they good!

      Megan x

  3. These look great, you did a good job! Hehe!
    Great post :)

    Tayla | Daisychains16

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh, these cupcakes so adorable! Hope they taste as good as they look like. In addition, this baker equipment just looks gorgeous. Think you was very pleased to bake cupcakes with such delightful gear. The main question for me is: How many calories one of that cupcakes have? I’m trying to have my diet on certain level so I really need to know that. If someone from your friends will need a paper work done, you could check the website we are created to rate certain services for this purpose - reviews on
