Half Year Reflection & July Goals

It really doesn't seem like all that long ago I was sitting down to write my New Years Resolutions and 2017 goals and here we are coming to the end of July. My dad really was right when he said that time flies by when you get older and the last six months are complete evidence of that. I honestly couldn't tell you where the time has gone or what I've even been doing for the last few months, it seems to have gone past in a complete daze but no complaints from me. I'm pretty sure, apart from a few minor setbacks, it's been a fantastic half year and I'm excited to see what the rest of it has in store. I actually went back last week and had a read through my 2017 goals and 2016 reflection and it's amazing to see just how things can change in what is a relatively short space of time, so, if like me you're nosy and like hearing about people's lives, then sit tight and grab a cuppa cause we're going in. (For reference you can read my 2016 reflection post here.)

If you follow me or my blog at all you'll know that towards the end of 2016 I got my first job out of university as a Junior Graphic Designer for boohoo,. Nearly 10 months later and I'm still loving it. I passed my probation period back in March and am now a fully fledged part of a wonderful team. Everyday I'm surrounded by an incredibly talented group of people, people I'm happy to call my friends and people who I've grown so close to in such a short space of time. I'm also learning so much every day, the amount I learnt in the first couple of weeks was incredible but I feel like everyday I learn something new and I'm getting to work on really exciting projects that I'd never have imagined I'd get to work on. There's honestly no feeling like working on something for days or weeks and finally seeing it go live across social media or on site. It's just one of those jobs that doesn't feel like a job, I never struggle to get up in the morning or dread going in. (This coming from the girl who used to sleep till 3pm most days I should probably add).

I think a good job in a city I love and a supportive group of people around me has really contributed to my overall happiness. I feel like I'm in such a good place right now, in life as well as mentally. A huge change from early 2016. And as it stands right now, my body confidence is through the roof. One of my aims for this year was to start eating healthier and working out regularly in order to lose about 2 stone which in turn I hoped would up my confidence. It's safe to say I didn't reaaaally start this one until about a month ago but I'm now 7lbs down and totally feeling myself *insert sassy emoji here*. At first I was skipping meals and eating next to nothing which in the long run, is not sustainable and not healthy, we've only got one body and we need to be good to it. A healthy combination of eating well and working out regularly has really helped me and the more I see results the harder I want to work. I'm wearing short dresses that show my legs, tight dresses and things I wouldn't normally wear because I no longer feel like I want to hide my body. I'm wearing skinny jeans and crop tops. I've bought incredible lingerie sets, stockings, suspenders, the lot and I feel amazing in them. I finally feel sexy. (Never underestimate the power of good lingerie on a woman's confidence). We all deserve to feel good about ourselves, whether that be exactly the way we are, bigger or smaller. The next step for me is to get the perfect butt crease. The future is full of squats and donkey kicks.

So what were some of my other goals for this year and what else have I achieved?

  • Wear bright lipstick more often. - Sort of check. I'm still a huge advocate for a nude lip.
  • Eat healthier and start an exercise regime. - Check. Stone and half to go.
  • Feel totally comfortable with my body and how I look. - Getting there.
  • Create blog content I love. - Definitely one to work on. I've been slack this year.
  • Travel more. - Nope. Maybe when money allows.
  • Read more. - Again, no. 
  • Get out of my overdraft. - It's happening, slowly.
  • Get my first tattoo. - There's still time.
  • Give less time to those who don't deserve it. - Check and check. And don't it feel good. 

With six months gone and six months remaining, I'm still fairly confident I can get a few more of these checked off. And others, well they'll just have to wait until 2018. If the next few months are like the last, it'll be here before we know it. 

1 comment

  1. I love the one, give less time to those who don't deserve it, I am with you there!

    Danielle xx
