December Beauty Haul

Tis officially the season to treat yo' self and after trying somewhat successfully to be good and save money, I caved when Black Friday hit. There's only so many emails, offers and discounts that a girl can resist. But you know what the best part is? None of these things were actually bought in the sales.

The first two items I picked up were replacements for two of my all time favourite products, the Makeup Forever Ultra HD foundation in Y315 and Mac Lipliner in Soar. I've ranted on and on about this foundation multiple times before so I'll save you the earache this time, just know that it's incredible. Medium buildable coverage that leaves your skin looking flawless while still looking fairly natural. A second skin if you will. Soar by Mac is that massively popular Kylie Jenner shade that was once so sought after, trying to find a store that wasn't sold out was a nightmare. And with good reason. I much prefer this to their other popular shade Whirl, mainly for the formula. I find this glides onto the lips a lot easier and provides great pigmentation, it's a dark mauvey nude that works perfectly with Brave lipstick. This is also a great one for overlining your lips with.

I also treated myself to a couple of new shades of some other favourites. Makeup Geek shadows are all I seem to use right now, my Z palette is now nearly full and has every shade I could ever ask for, all of which get used. Something that is pretty rare for an eyeshadow palette with me. I picked up Bitten (a dark cranberry shade, ideal for the crease) Peach Smoothie (a light shade for the base or as a transition colour) and Mango Tango (something a bit different, a bright peach/coral, perfect for that step into Spring). All three are super soft and pigmented, just what you'd expect from a MUG shadow. I also popped two of the Jeffree Star Liquid Lipsticks into my bag, Celebrity Skin and Rose Matter. I absolutely adore the formula of these. They definitely feel the most liquid of any of my liquid lipsticks and the thinner formula helps them feel much lighter on my lips while delivery more colour payoff. Just one swipe is all you need for full coverage. Celebrity Skin is a firm favourite, the perfect light brown nude for everyday and night. One thing I will add is that I'm not too keen on the scent, I can't quite put my finger on what it is but it's not something that really affects how much I like the product.

This LA Girl concealer is a new brand as well as new product for me, And honestly I still haven't made up my mind about this one. Though the shade is Light Ivory, I actually find this a little dark (perfect for when I'm tanned as a brightening concealer) but not so much for when I'm pale. This definitely needs a few more tries before I can tell you what I really think. Finally this Zoeva fan brush is an absolute DREAM, I'm a huge fan of Zoeva brushes, I don't use anything else. And this is no exception. Super soft and delivers the perfect application of highlight to the cheekbones and cupids bow (a lot better than my fingers which I was previously using).

Mango Tango, Peach Smoothie, Bitten, Celebrity Skin, Rose Matter, LA Girl Concealer in Light Ivory, Soar Liner

Have you picked up any new beauty bits lately?


  1. Makeup geek eye shadows are the best! I want to try some jefree star stuff and that makeup forever foundation. x

  2. I really want to pick up the Mac Lip Pencil in Soar it looks beaut x

    Gemma Louise

  3. This made me laugh so much how you said about black friday yet nothing was in the sales you bought haha! I picked up the LA Girl concealer too!
    Charlotte //

  4. I use Peach Smoothie as a transition almost every day :) Soar lip pencil is such a great shade too!

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  5. I love the lip colours you picked up, the formula looks fab too! x

    Always, Alice

  6. Makeup geek eye shadows are absolutely the best. x

  7. Amazing haul! I'm a big fan of the Makeup Geek shadows xx

    Gemma • Miss Makeup Magpie ❤️

  8. Everything you picked up is gorgeous - I'm desperate to get my hands on the jeffree star liquid lipsticks, love the look of celebrity skin!

    Lucy | Forever September
