3 Products I've Panned

It' really not often that I hit pan on a product, I have so many blushers, bronzers and highlighters that I'm constantly flicking between that the end is never really in sight for most of them. That is until you find a ride or die product, one you just keep coming back to because it just works so well. Whether that be the shade, formula or staying power, these are the ones you'll always find in your makeup bag or not far from it. And before you know it, as heartbreaking as it is, you've hit pan. That small silver circle in the centre slowly starts getting bigger and bigger and the end is inevitable. But think of it this way, once it's finished, you get to buy a pretty new one. Here's three products I've recently hit pan on:

March Beauty Favourites

I've officially made it my mission this year to get more old and neglected products back into rotation and daily use and although I'll always be trying out new brands, it's been nice pulling out old favourites that I had long forgotten about. I've picked out four products that I've been using regularly and particularly enjoying throughout the month of March.