Tackling That Time of The Month

Time of the month, girl problems, surfing the crimson wave, shark week, whatever you want to call it, we all know periods suck. I've not yet met one person who can honestly say they enjoy being on their period. For a good proportion of us, our hormones are all over the place, our skin is suffering and it feels like some sort of creature is desperately trying to escape our uterus. Even the few days leading up to it can be a total whirlwind of emotions. From the age of 15 I have experienced horrendously painful periods, I've passed out, spent days off school in bed unable to move and probably tried more painkillers than I care to admit. For those of you lucky enough to not suffer for a week out of every month, I seriously envy you, for those of you who do, hopefully I can help you with some of the following tips and guidance.

Reflecting on 2016 & Goals for 2017

2016, what a year eh? Most memes and quotes flying around social media seem to be brandishing it the worst year ever and one to forget. Yes, we lost a lot of legends from the world of music, acting and more. Yes, there was an awful lot of pain and suffering around the world. Yes, Brexit and Donald Trump happened.  But I have to say that it was overall a pretty good year for me and with the first month of 2017 nearly over, I thought it was about time for me to reflect on the last year and look forward to what the rest of this one has to offer.

Blog Photography | My setup, props, tips & tricks

For me, photography is one of the most important aspects of my blog. The perfect photo can pull a post together, draw in readers and just generally give your blog a whole new aesthetic. For ages now I have been so unhappy with my photos and in general my whole blog aesthetic, it's just not how I've wanted it to look for a long time so this year after getting back my blogging mojo, I decided I wanted to up my photo game. Seriously, looking back at my instagram and posts from last year makes me cringe like hell. Now by all means, I am no photography expert, I did Graphic Design at university which had elements of it but most of what I've learnt has been through other blogs, Google and practice practice practice. I'd also like to add that you don't need a good expensive camera or any of the things I'm going to mention in this post to make your blog "better", at the end of the day it's all personal preference and what works for one person might not work for another. But if you are looking for any tips and inspiration, then by all means, carry on reading.

Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Lips | Review

*sighs* Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how dreamy the Anastasia Liquid Lipsticks are? They're just so pretty to look at and photograph. I recently picked up these beauties while on holiday in Florida, as up until recently they've been pretty difficult to get ahold of in the UK without forking out ridiculous custom fees. (Anastasia do now have their own UK site, so getting these should now be far easier!) And now I've had enough time to road test the shades, I wanted to share my thoughts with anyone who may be considering ordering a few.

US Beauty Haul | First Impressions

Y'all know that the first thing on my mind when I landed in Florida in December was "oh my days imagine all the things I can buy in Sephora and Ulta" swiftly followed by the idea pancakes and maple bacon.  The black and white stripes were calling my name. Unfortunately due to a poor exchange rate, it actually didn't work out much cheaper to buy certain products abroad like it has in previous years so I tried to stick to things we can't necessarily get over here, haven't been released yet or are a little harder to access. This post will be a quick run down of everything with a few initial impressions, the real juicy stuff will come in the reviews to follow over the next few weeks. Ooooh the anticipation.

Cape Coral, Florida | Photo Diary

I just want to start this post by saying that I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas and a Happy New Year! I was lucky enough to celebrate my Christmas by jetting over to Florida for the most glorious two weeks. We flew out on the 16th and it was fourteen wonderful days of 28 degree temperatures, relaxing by the pool, exploring, boating, dolphin spotting and completely indulging in an amazing array of food. (I tried the American classic of biscuits and gravy and was pleasantly surprised at just how tasty it was, the gravy especially). I'm going to use this post to share my photos from the trip with you, as well as a few snippets about what we did, saw and ate etc but mostly, be prepared for pictures upon pictures. Oh and stay on the lookout for a US beauty haul and loads of reviews coming over the next few weeks, I picked up some proper goodies.

Latest Beauty Favourites

It's been a while since I've shared a few of the products I've been loving recently, in fact, I can't even remember if I ever had done a monthly favourites post. So here you go! I've been making it my mission recently to not only try some new bits and pieces but to also start looking into my stash and using things that have been a little bit unloved for a while. You'd be surprised at just how much neglected makeup I have, especially things like bronzer, blush and eyeshadow that take a lot longer to use up compared to foundations and mascaras.